“What is the difference between a diamond’s certification and an appraisal?”
A diamond’s certification is a scientific review of the rock’s physical qualities such as clarity, color, cut and carat weight. This process does not set a financial value to the stone; rather it assigns a “grade” on the diamond’s key quality.
An appraisal is what assigns a dollar value to the diamond. Appraisals are generally done so that if someone were to steal your diamond, you can wave a signed piece of paper at your insurance company regarding the amount spent on the ring.
Here at Boston Ring and Gem, all of our diamonds are accompanied by two different grading reports and quality documents from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or American Gem Society Laboratories (AGS). Please note that not all grading documents are equal. We strongly agree with GIA/AGS’ standards for color and clarity grading because as professionals, we find these standards to be the strictest and most accurate in the diamond industry.
If you are in need of professional advice regarding certification/appraisals for wedding and engagement rings, bands, diamonds and gemstones, call Boston Ring and Gem at 617-720-2724 or visit our store at 333 Washington Street 2nd Floor in Boston, MA 02108.